Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Tanjung Lesung - Holiday

After the oh so lovely end of semester test and a huge amount of remedial also my mother's flying kitchen finally I can have a vacation yehet!. This holiday me and my family from my mother's side went to Tanjung Lesung beach in Banten. 
I thought it was the one which is located by Jakarta but i got confused why the journey took so freaking long hehe--. 
Banten was sizzling hot but the place we were staying was a bit quiet. After we arrived we unpacking. We stayed in some kind of beach house, then we went to the beach but unfortunately it wasnt nice to swim at because there are lots of sharp corals and big waves so we moved on to hotel's swimming pool. 
I didn't know what really happened but it seemed like my parents, my aunty, my ucle and my grandparents was having a huge nostalgia of her childhood..... It was weird to see my uncles and grandparents played together with me and my brother Argyan. sad;'). But thats okay. Then we had a meal then watched the dvds i brought with Farhan but i was soooo sure we'll watch hunger games too cause Farhan is such a manias for the trilogy. He watched it like thousands time and it still didnt make him bored. 
Anyway i stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. We spent the first day to swim, the second day we went diving, fishing and playing chess. At the night we burned the fishes we caught. 
Aaand the last day was a bit blurred but one thing I can remember clearly, I was really tanned and I can see how much I turned into some grey creature:( at the mirror.

p.s: yehet=yeay 

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