Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Weakness - Character

I have to tell about character and i'm going to tell you about my weaknesses. My weakness are forgetful and procratinating.

I always forget where I put things, and I usually blame on my brother or my friends or people in my house or anyone who next to me. I don’t know why, I just blame them because I’m too panic. And I also forget that I have appointment with someone, and sometimes I also forget time too hehe. It’s unpleasant to be someone forgetful, like me. I try to rid of my bad habit. It’s unpleasant habit for anyone around me and myself ofcourse. I’m trying my best to get rid of it.


The next bad habit of mine is procrastinating. I always procrastinate things like when I have to pray magrib, because the time is already 18.05 pm. Sometimes I get more interested to do something else like interested in watching film on television. Half of me told me to stop watching because I have to pray but different half of me told me to stay sitting down and watching the film. Because of ‘Mager’ (Males Gerak) I follow my evil half of me haaha I don’t know why, I’m so magering;( I try to follow the angel part but the evil part defeats the angel part. So, I keep on watching and I lose my time for praying magrib. After that the guilty feel comes and I just like ‘Why you didn’t follow the angel one?!’

I want to get rid of both of my bad habits because if I keep doing them I wouldn’t be successful. Those habits are also disturbing people in my surrounding. I keep daily schedule and deadline to remind me to do everything I need to do on time so I don’t gorget and stop procrastinating.

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